Fausto – a Dramatic Opera
Music: Luc Steels
Libretto Oscar Vilarroya

the modelling of Fausto

Theme: Transhumanism, virtual worlds, AI

Gaité Lyrique (Paris, 27 October 2016)
De MuntSchouwburg (La Monnaie Brussels OperaHouse, 18 Sept 2017 & 7 Feb 2019)
& festival (Leuven 3 May 2018)

Conductor: Kris Stroobants
Frascati Symphonic Orchestra
Choir La Folia
Solists: Steven Brooks, Anja van Engeland, Pablo Lopez Martin, Kamil Ben Hsaïn Lachiri  

Recording:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5IbKK5pDks
Web: https://ai.vub.ac.be/fausto/2019/ENG/index-ENG.html

Sony Computer Science Laboratory Paris, VUB AI Laboratory Brussels, VUB rectorate, and & Festival KU Leuven.